Monday, July 19, 2010

Macy's Dream

I never considered myself a "Dog Lover", especially not one inside of my house. But, then came Macy, our two year old black Maltipoo who is now officially a member of the Hayden family. I am not a fan of animals being inside and I only agreed to getting Macy when I realized that she doesn't shed. Since Macy joined the family, I have noticed that my perceptions of dogs have really changed. She is such a part of the family and her playfulness and spirit have become part of our home. She is always present and always loving and kind to every person she meets.

Macy spends the majority of her time sitting in our bay window in the breakfast room at our house. She spends countless hours watching the street, the yard and the passers by from her spot in the window. Of course, Macy takes long walks in the evenings and sees all of her friends along the way. Nothing makes her happier than a nice walk early in the morning or late in the evening.

Macy is also the happiest dog in the world when any of us leave and return. Actually, I could drive down the road, turn around and come back, and you would think that I had just returned from a month long vacation. She jumps, barks and loves you everyday no matter what the weather or the mood is.....kind of makes me think about lessons that I could learn from Macy. I am sure that many of you who read this blog either have now, or have had dogs in the past that have played very important roles in your lives.

Having said all of that, I didn't blog today about Macy just for the sake of telling you about her, but instead to tell you about the new song that I wrote called "Macy's Dream". I finished the demo version in my studio yesterday and I loaded it on to my website, ( . I was going to wait but I liked it so much that I just wanted to share it with all of my friends.

The song is written from Macy's perspective as she sits in the "Window for Hours" dreaming of running and being free. I guess we all dream of something and for Macy and millions of other dogs in the world, it's just freedom, plain and simple. When I wrote the song, I just thought about how dogs love their homes, yet all of them, given the chance, would take off and never look back. So, the chorus says "It's not that I don't like it here, It's just something in me". How many of us have stories of having to go chase our favorite dogs when they were running away? As much as she loves us, if the gates were open and the time was right, she would run for days.

I hope you enjoy the song and if you have a puppy or a dog, I hope it makes you think of them and what their lives must be like each day as they "Sit By The Window and Dream"

Have a Wonderful Day!

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